Saturday, January 7, 2012

Cause: Stress Relations?

I've had as most would call, a traumatic childhood. Now, I am recently going through some unexplainable medical extremities. For example, almost three years ago, I had Papiladema behind my eyes, and was treated with a lumbar puncture. Again, they saw this again, and diagnosed me with Pseudo Tumor Cerebri. Later, they found this to be incorrect. I was sent to UCLA. As time went on, the incapacitating headaches continued to rule my life before they dispersed and now do not affect me. Last year, December 11, I ped out at school. I was found unconscious on the floor of a public restroom. I was taken to the ER and they found everything to be normal. Again, I ped out in my 7th period cl, just randomly, mid-sentence sitting at my desk. Therefore, we took a trip to the ER. This time, I had an expedited trip to UCLA Medical center. There I was given an event Holter monitor to wear. I exceeded the proceeded wearing time and wore it (authorized) for 52 days with no result. They then ruled out VasoVagal disease of the heart. Just a few days ago, awaiting to begin (at a marching band tournament); I fell to the ground unconscious. I did not arouse for almost a minute. There is even more to this, but I cannot fit it all. Could all of this be stress related, or be from mental and physical damage from such a childhood?

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