Monday, January 9, 2012

If Bush was made aware that the Uranium doents were bad intell, should he be impeached?

Yes, he should. Those that talk about the Libby trial rarely bring this part of it up, and though the D.A. has certainly not forgotten it, it still remains floating around free. We know Wilson reported back the yellow cake story was bogus, we know Cheney was informed of it, and we also know that the CIA advised the White House not to use the intel as it could not be verified in the positive. But, there it was, in the 2003 SOTU Address big as life, being used as one of the main reasons given to the public and to Congress to go to war. The only question remaining is if Cheney told Bush. We'll never know the answer to that - you could waterboard Cheney and he'd refuse to answer. So, though it would be an impeachable offense I believe, we'll never get the chance to see it tested. Nixon would have greatly admired this Administration.

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